Pet Allergies

Pet Allergies

The function of your pet’s immune system is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors, which can cause an onset of allergic reactions.

Your pet’s skin provides protection, regulates body temperature, prevents dehydration and creates vital nutrients, making healthy skin essential to the wellbeing of your pet.

We have compiled a handy guide to help you reduce your pet’s exposure to allergens.

Types of allergies

Allergies can be difficult to diagnose with symptoms varying greatly. If you notice your pet scratching or licking excessively, thinning hair, bald patches, red skin or have any concerns, see your veterinarian for advice.

  • Flea allergies are the most common allergy and are caused by a sensitivity to the proteins in the saliva of a flea rather than a flea bite itself. Flea saliva has five known allergens which can trigger an allergic reaction with just one bite.
  • Environmental allergies can be caused by the pet inhaling or coming into contact with moulds, dust mites, household dust, trees, grass, weeds, pollens, cigarette smoke, fabrics (wool or nylon), rubber and plastic materials, cleaning products and chemicals.
  • Food allergies have a range of symptoms including both skin and gastrointestinal problems.

Limiting exposure to allergens

  • Ensure that their environment is smoke free and reduce the amount of dust in the house by vacuuming carpets, under bed and near windows. Kill dust mites by freezing plush toys.
  • Regularly wash bedding in very hot water. Change your cleaning products to non toxic natural products to limit your pet’s exposure to toxins.
  • Always follow directions when medicating or giving your pet a course of treatment. Never use human medications, creams, shampoos or soaps on your pet without first consulting your veterinarian.
  • Wash your pet’s feet; their feet will pick up pollen, weeds, moulds and other allergens. Keep your pet indoors when the grass is being mowed and keep them out of fields with long grass. If your pet suffers from allergies, rinsing them off after a walk will remove the allergens from their body.

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