Benefits of desexing your rabbit

Benefits of desexing your rabbit

At Animates Vetcare we recommend that all pets are desexed, even our smaller ones. Not only does this procedure decrease the risk of illness and disease, but also enables rabbits to live a longer, happier life.

Benefits of desexing your rabbit:

  • A decreased risk of uterine and testicular cancers (females have around an 80% chance of developing this if not desexed).
  • A female’s chance of getting a pyometra and having a false pregnancy are also decreased.
  • Desexing allows you to toilet train rabbits more easily.
  • Less spraying and marking of urine, as well as less territorial droppings of faeces.
  • Rabbits are more likely to bond with another mate, as they can be less aggressive and territorial.
  • Your rabbit may be calmer and more relaxed.
  • No ‘surprise’ litters of babies - which can also be stressful on the mother. Rabbits can give birth and then get pregnant again on the same day.
  • Male rabbits can be neutered at around 4-5 months of age, this depends on whether their testicles have descended.
  • Female rabbits can be spayed around 4-6 months of age. Please consult your local Animates Vetcare to discuss what’s best for your rabbit.
  • You don’t want the rabbit to be too young or old when considering desexing as this increases anaesthesia risks.

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Parasite Control

We can individualise a programme for your pet depending on a range of factors such as their life stage, lifestyle and the environment in which they live.

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